Sustainable Farming for the Future

The ‘Sustainable Farming for the Future’ project is strongly committed to promoting earth friendly farming practices. In particular the project aims to restore vital nutrient-rich top soils, also known as ‘humus’, on over 10,000 hectares of agricultural land across Germany. In healthy, humus rich soils, habitats are strengthened, biodiversity thrives and groundwater production is improved. Food production improves as a result of an overall healthier environment and as soil becomes more fertile it is more resilient to extreme weather fluctuations.

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Sustainable Farming for the Future

The ‘Sustainable Farming for the Future’ project is strongly committed to promoting earth friendly farming practices. In particular the project aims to restore vital nutrient-rich top soils, also known as ‘humus’, on over 10,000 hectares of agricultural land across Germany. In healthy, humus rich soils, habitats are strengthened, biodiversity thrives and groundwater production is improved. Food production improves as a result of an overall healthier environment and as soil becomes more fertile it is more resilient to extreme weather fluctuations.

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Alto Huayabamba Conservation

Located in the Mariscal Cáceres Province, in central-north Peru, the project spans over 53,000 hectares. The protected area forms part of a vast wildlife corridor, the Abiseo- Cóndor-Kutukú Corridor, which extends from Sangay National Park in Ecuador to the Cordillera Azul National Park in Perú. The project aims to reduce emissions associated with deforestation and land degradation, by working with the local community to implement sustainable initiatives, such as organic honey and quinoa production, effective land management, environmental education and strengthening local governance. Another core aim of the project is to maintain the water balance of the upper basin of the Huayabamba River, which supplies water for families living further downstream.

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Alto Huayabamba Conservation

Located in the Mariscal Cáceres Province, in central-north Peru, the project spans over 53,000 hectares. The protected area forms part of a vast wildlife corridor, the Abiseo- Cóndor-Kutukú Corridor, which extends from Sangay National Park in Ecuador to the Cordillera Azul National Park in Perú. The project aims to reduce emissions associated with deforestation and land degradation, by working with the local community to implement sustainable initiatives, such as organic honey and quinoa production, effective land management, environmental education and strengthening local governance. Another core aim of the project is to maintain the water balance of the upper basin of the Huayabamba River, which supplies water for families living further downstream.

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Fond du Lac Forestry

The Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa (Fond du Lac), located in northeastern Minnesota, are one of six bands who comprise the Indigenous Minnesota Chippewa Tribe. Striving to protect native lands and natural resources, this project is developed as part of the Tribal Land Conservation Initiative and works closely with the Fond du Lac people to sustainably manage an area that covers over 8,197 acres of landscape. Revenue generated from carbon credits allows for community members to acquire traditional homelands, develop renewable energy projects, and support other tribal community members through social programmes.

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Fond du Lac Forestry

The Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa (Fond du Lac), located in northeastern Minnesota, are one of six bands who comprise the Indigenous Minnesota Chippewa Tribe. Striving to protect native lands and natural resources, this project is developed as part of the Tribal Land Conservation Initiative and works closely with the Fond du Lac people to sustainably manage an area that covers over 8,197 acres of landscape. Revenue generated from carbon credits allows for community members to acquire traditional homelands, develop renewable energy projects, and support other tribal community members through social programmes.

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Nature-based Solutions

Alto Huayabamba Conservation

Located in the Mariscal Cáceres Province, in central-north Peru, the project spans over 53,000 hectares. The protected area forms part of a vast wildlife corridor, the Abiseo- Cóndor-Kutukú Corridor, which extends from Sangay National Park in Ecuador to the Cordillera Azul National Park in Perú. The project aims to reduce emissions associated with deforestation and land degradation, by working with the local community to implement sustainable initiatives, such as organic honey and quinoa production, effective land management, environmental education and strengthening local governance. Another core aim of the project is to maintain the water balance of the upper basin of the Huayabamba River, which supplies water for families living further downstream.

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Alto Huayabamba Conservation

Located in the Mariscal Cáceres Province, in central-north Peru, the project spans over 53,000 hectares. The protected area forms part of a vast wildlife corridor, the Abiseo- Cóndor-Kutukú Corridor, which extends from Sangay National Park in Ecuador to the Cordillera Azul National Park in Perú. The project aims to reduce emissions associated with deforestation and land degradation, by working with the local community to implement sustainable initiatives, such as organic honey and quinoa production, effective land management, environmental education and strengthening local governance. Another core aim of the project is to maintain the water balance of the upper basin of the Huayabamba River, which supplies water for families living further downstream.

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Mount Sandy Conservation

Located on the traditional lands of the Ngarrindjeri people, Traditional Custodians of the Coorong, Mount Sandy is a rare pocket of intact native vegetation in a region now dominated by farmlands. The 200-hectare project site features a unique mix of coastal shrublands and saline swamplands that provide strategic habitat for iconic native wildlife, such as the short-beaked echidna, purple-gaped honeyeater and elegant parrot. Over thousands of years, the Ngarrindjeri people have cared for Coorong country, developing an intimate connection to the land that sustains them. Project management itself is made possible through close collaboration with local Ngarrindjeri Elders, Clyde and Rose Rigney, who oversee the ongoing management and conservation of vegetation at the Mount Sandy site.

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Mount Sandy Conservation

Located on the traditional lands of the Ngarrindjeri people, Traditional Custodians of the Coorong, Mount Sandy is a rare pocket of intact native vegetation in a region now dominated by farmlands. The 200-hectare project site features a unique mix of coastal shrublands and saline swamplands that provide strategic habitat for iconic native wildlife, such as the short-beaked echidna, purple-gaped honeyeater and elegant parrot. Over thousands of years, the Ngarrindjeri people have cared for Coorong country, developing an intimate connection to the land that sustains them. Project management itself is made possible through close collaboration with local Ngarrindjeri Elders, Clyde and Rose Rigney, who oversee the ongoing management and conservation of vegetation at the Mount Sandy site.

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Reforestation with Teak

The project is planting teak trees on degraded land in the states of Tabasco, Chiapas and Campeche, in the south of the United States of Mexico. Part of the areas will be used for sustainable commercial purposes and part will be protected conservation areas to allow wildlife and biodiversity to thrive.

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Reforestation with Teak

The project is planting teak trees on degraded land in the states of Tabasco, Chiapas and Campeche, in the south of the United States of Mexico. Part of the areas will be used for sustainable commercial purposes and part will be protected conservation areas to allow wildlife and biodiversity to thrive.

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Pierce Conservation District Reforestation

This project is planting over 3,700 native trees–like, red cedar, fir, big leaf maple, and alder–on Pierce County’s publicly-owned green spaces, for example along Clarks Creek and tributary of the Puyallup River that supports chinook, coho, chum, steelhead and cutthroat trout. Like all reforestation projects, it's never as simple as just planting some seedlings, the land needs to be prepared and the trees require a lot of care. Invasive species, like reed canary grass, scotch broom and non-native blackberry, are removed and deterrents to stop deer and other animals from eating the tasty young saplings are put in place. The project will tend to the trees over the next 25 years to ensure as many as possible reach full maturity.

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Pierce Conservation District Reforestation

This project is planting over 3,700 native trees–like, red cedar, fir, big leaf maple, and alder–on Pierce County’s publicly-owned green spaces, for example along Clarks Creek and tributary of the Puyallup River that supports chinook, coho, chum, steelhead and cutthroat trout. Like all reforestation projects, it's never as simple as just planting some seedlings, the land needs to be prepared and the trees require a lot of care. Invasive species, like reed canary grass, scotch broom and non-native blackberry, are removed and deterrents to stop deer and other animals from eating the tasty young saplings are put in place. The project will tend to the trees over the next 25 years to ensure as many as possible reach full maturity.

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Sankofa – Alliances for Action

The success of this unique project is thanks to the collaboration between key stakeholders both within and outside the cocoa industry. This spans from a farmers cooperative, Kuapa Kokoo, to local partners such as Fairtrade Africa, Nature and Development Foundation (NDF) and the Yam Development Council, to experts such as WWF, South Pole and Ecotop offering technical support, to the end buyer, Chocolats Halba, and its parent company of Coop. The Sankofa is supported by the Coop Sustainability Fund and Chocolats Halba, the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA), the International Trade Centre (ITC) and Max Havelaar Foundation Switzerland. To address some of the challenges above, the Sankofa project is training farmers to implement a dynamic agroforestry system. The system works primarily to improve the soil using a variety of techniques: mulching, planting a wide variety of trees, including ones that are pruned each year and used for biomass. Farmers are trained and provided with the necessary materials they need to implement dynamic agroforestry on their farms. Farmers can visit demonstration plots to see the results up close. An important element of the project is the generation of carbon finance, which is reinvested to fund work on the ground.

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Sankofa – Alliances for Action

The success of this unique project is thanks to the collaboration between key stakeholders both within and outside the cocoa industry. This spans from a farmers cooperative, Kuapa Kokoo, to local partners such as Fairtrade Africa, Nature and Development Foundation (NDF) and the Yam Development Council, to experts such as WWF, South Pole and Ecotop offering technical support, to the end buyer, Chocolats Halba, and its parent company of Coop. The Sankofa is supported by the Coop Sustainability Fund and Chocolats Halba, the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA), the International Trade Centre (ITC) and Max Havelaar Foundation Switzerland. To address some of the challenges above, the Sankofa project is training farmers to implement a dynamic agroforestry system. The system works primarily to improve the soil using a variety of techniques: mulching, planting a wide variety of trees, including ones that are pruned each year and used for biomass. Farmers are trained and provided with the necessary materials they need to implement dynamic agroforestry on their farms. Farmers can visit demonstration plots to see the results up close. An important element of the project is the generation of carbon finance, which is reinvested to fund work on the ground.

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Keweenaw Bay Forestry

Located in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community, of Lake Superior Chippewa, are aiming to tackle climate related issues in the state through an improved forest management project that covers 12,500 acres of tribal forestland. Developed as part of the Tribal Land Conservation Initiative, the project aims to ensure that the community can meet its environmental mission, which includes maintaining the pristine waters of Lake Superior, developing sustainable management practices and ensuring that the Tribe has a long-term land use plan.

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Keweenaw Bay Forestry

Located in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community, of Lake Superior Chippewa, are aiming to tackle climate related issues in the state through an improved forest management project that covers 12,500 acres of tribal forestland. Developed as part of the Tribal Land Conservation Initiative, the project aims to ensure that the community can meet its environmental mission, which includes maintaining the pristine waters of Lake Superior, developing sustainable management practices and ensuring that the Tribe has a long-term land use plan.

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Community and Clean Water

Clean cookstoves for preserving chimpanzee habitat

Together with the Jane Goodall Institute – Uganda, the project distributes energy efficient cookstoves to households in areas surrounding the Albertine Rift corridor, replacing traditional inefficient ones. The efficient cookstoves will be distributed at a highly-subsidised cost, ensuring access for families who would not otherwise have the economic means to purchase them.

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Clean cookstoves for preserving chimpanzee habitat

Together with the Jane Goodall Institute – Uganda, the project distributes energy efficient cookstoves to households in areas surrounding the Albertine Rift corridor, replacing traditional inefficient ones. The efficient cookstoves will be distributed at a highly-subsidised cost, ensuring access for families who would not otherwise have the economic means to purchase them.

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Access to Clean Water for Better Health, Cambodia

This project seeks to further access clean and safe drinking water for households and communities, by using low greenhouse gas emitting water purification technologies at water treatment stations in rural areas. The project enables locals to earn a living by purifying and distributing sourced water locally. There are currently more than 150 enterprises providing clean, affordable water to over 220,000 people.

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Access to Clean Water for Better Health, Cambodia

This project seeks to further access clean and safe drinking water for households and communities, by using low greenhouse gas emitting water purification technologies at water treatment stations in rural areas. The project enables locals to earn a living by purifying and distributing sourced water locally. There are currently more than 150 enterprises providing clean, affordable water to over 220,000 people.

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Efficient Cookstoves

The replacement fuel-efficient stove will lead to a significant reduction in the annual usage of biomass for users. The improved stove has been designed to balance efficiency, safety, cost, stability and strength with a focus on using locally available materials.

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Efficient Cookstoves

The replacement fuel-efficient stove will lead to a significant reduction in the annual usage of biomass for users. The improved stove has been designed to balance efficiency, safety, cost, stability and strength with a focus on using locally available materials.

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WWF Clean Cookstoves

By reconstructing or improving low-efficiency, built-in stoves, the project is creating healthier, more sustainable cooking and heating practices. The improved stoves are up to 70% more efficient, and normally contain two or three pots so all types of traditional meals can be cooked! The stoves will be distributed throughout the towns of Huangguan, Xingchang and Simudi.

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WWF Clean Cookstoves

By reconstructing or improving low-efficiency, built-in stoves, the project is creating healthier, more sustainable cooking and heating practices. The improved stoves are up to 70% more efficient, and normally contain two or three pots so all types of traditional meals can be cooked! The stoves will be distributed throughout the towns of Huangguan, Xingchang and Simudi.

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Renewable Energy

Huoshui Small Hydropower

Huóshuĭ Small Hydropower consists of 88 small hydropower plants. The small-scale plants range in capacity from 0.1 to 14 MW, and together supply enough renewable energy to power over half a million average Chinese homes each year. Their run-of-river design allows them to do so with minimal environmental impact. The cost of developing hydropower plants in remote locations is a significant barrier to construction, so this project would not be possible without the revenue generated by carbon credits.

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Huoshui Small Hydropower

Huóshuĭ Small Hydropower consists of 88 small hydropower plants. The small-scale plants range in capacity from 0.1 to 14 MW, and together supply enough renewable energy to power over half a million average Chinese homes each year. Their run-of-river design allows them to do so with minimal environmental impact. The cost of developing hydropower plants in remote locations is a significant barrier to construction, so this project would not be possible without the revenue generated by carbon credits.

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Renun River Hydro

Built on the banks of Lake Toba, the project has been designed with careful consideration of the natural environment: making use of a natural height difference of about 500 metres means that power is generated without a retaining dam; most of the pipelines are built underground; and water is taken from several sources (Lau Renun River, Haporas River, Bargot River, Tapian Nauli River) to ensure sufficient downstream water flow. The project uses the natural river flow to generate energy using using 2 turbines and a regulating pond. In total the project has an installed capacity of 82 MW.

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Renun River Hydro

Built on the banks of Lake Toba, the project has been designed with careful consideration of the natural environment: making use of a natural height difference of about 500 metres means that power is generated without a retaining dam; most of the pipelines are built underground; and water is taken from several sources (Lau Renun River, Haporas River, Bargot River, Tapian Nauli River) to ensure sufficient downstream water flow. The project uses the natural river flow to generate energy using using 2 turbines and a regulating pond. In total the project has an installed capacity of 82 MW.

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Siam Solar

Solar is poised to play a crucial role in Thailand’s clean energy transition. The Siam Solar Energy 1 project bundles 10 solar photovoltaic (PV) power plants across Kanchanaburi and Suphanburi Provinces in central Thailand. The solar PV systems are a cutting-edge, environmentally-sound technology with a capacity of approximately 10 MW per plant, and deliver generated electricity to the grid.

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Siam Solar

Solar is poised to play a crucial role in Thailand’s clean energy transition. The Siam Solar Energy 1 project bundles 10 solar photovoltaic (PV) power plants across Kanchanaburi and Suphanburi Provinces in central Thailand. The solar PV systems are a cutting-edge, environmentally-sound technology with a capacity of approximately 10 MW per plant, and deliver generated electricity to the grid.

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Genneia Wind

The project installs 71 state-of-the art wind turbines across 6 wind farms, 4 are located close to the county’s capital, Buenos Aires, while the other 2 sit on some of Argentina’s windiest plains in the southern province of Chubut. The turbines will harness the power of strong prevailing winds to generate clean, renewable electricity for the national grid.

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Genneia Wind

The project installs 71 state-of-the art wind turbines across 6 wind farms, 4 are located close to the county’s capital, Buenos Aires, while the other 2 sit on some of Argentina’s windiest plains in the southern province of Chubut. The turbines will harness the power of strong prevailing winds to generate clean, renewable electricity for the national grid.

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Genneia Solar

This project helps to combat these problems by installing more than 280,000 solar panels across large 3 solar farms in Argentina’s western San Juan region. Thanks to these panels, the endless energy of the beating sun is converted into clean and renewable electricity for the country’s national grid.

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Genneia Solar

This project helps to combat these problems by installing more than 280,000 solar panels across large 3 solar farms in Argentina’s western San Juan region. Thanks to these panels, the endless energy of the beating sun is converted into clean and renewable electricity for the country’s national grid.

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Prony Wind Power

This project involves six wind farms located in two different sites, Kafeate and Prony, on the island of New Caledonia. The sites were installed by the company Aerowatt and consist of 116 wind turbines providing a total capacity of 31 MW with an estimated yearly production of 40 GWh of electricity which is then exported to the New Caledonian grid. The project, therefore, replaces grid electricity that is 80% produced by fossil-fuel power plants.

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Prony Wind Power

This project involves six wind farms located in two different sites, Kafeate and Prony, on the island of New Caledonia. The sites were installed by the company Aerowatt and consist of 116 wind turbines providing a total capacity of 31 MW with an estimated yearly production of 40 GWh of electricity which is then exported to the New Caledonian grid. The project, therefore, replaces grid electricity that is 80% produced by fossil-fuel power plants.

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Smart biogas system for farmers and communities

Imagine a small farm in a rural area, where the daily routine revolves around taking care of animals and crops. In the past, the waste generated by the animals was just a burden to be disposed of, but not anymore. Thanks to the installation of different sized biogas digesters, small and medium farms can now transform their organic waste into renewable, clean, and affordable energy and biofertilizer. The animal manure breaks down anaerobically in the biodigester, producing biogas that can be used for clean cooking and thermal processes both on the farm and in the household. With a simple, long-lasting gas line, biogas flows to different points of use such as cooking stoves and burners. The output of the digester is a powerful biofertilizer that can be stored and used in fields, serving as a substitute for chemical fertilizers. But this project isn't just about technology and sustainability, it's also about supporting low-income families who want to use a digester. Flexible payment plans are available, making it easier for them to access this technology. And the best part? The system is easy to install, fix, and maintain, and the manufacturer provides a 10-year warranty on the product. With the help of this innovative technology, these small farms can now produce their own energy and fertilizer, leading to a more sustainable and self-sufficient future.

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Smart biogas system for farmers and communities

Imagine a small farm in a rural area, where the daily routine revolves around taking care of animals and crops. In the past, the waste generated by the animals was just a burden to be disposed of, but not anymore. Thanks to the installation of different sized biogas digesters, small and medium farms can now transform their organic waste into renewable, clean, and affordable energy and biofertilizer. The animal manure breaks down anaerobically in the biodigester, producing biogas that can be used for clean cooking and thermal processes both on the farm and in the household. With a simple, long-lasting gas line, biogas flows to different points of use such as cooking stoves and burners. The output of the digester is a powerful biofertilizer that can be stored and used in fields, serving as a substitute for chemical fertilizers. But this project isn't just about technology and sustainability, it's also about supporting low-income families who want to use a digester. Flexible payment plans are available, making it easier for them to access this technology. And the best part? The system is easy to install, fix, and maintain, and the manufacturer provides a 10-year warranty on the product. With the help of this innovative technology, these small farms can now produce their own energy and fertilizer, leading to a more sustainable and self-sufficient future.

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Vietstar Sustainable Waste Treatment

This innovative project aims to address the environmental impact of municipal landfills by pre-sorting and classifying solid waste, recycling plastic and then treating remaining organic matter with advanced composting technology. To drive circularity the final product of organic compost is then sold as high-quality bio-fertilizer – producing over 53,000 tonnes each year. The facility treats 432,000 tons of solid waste per year, daily that’s around 1,200 tons.

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Vietstar Sustainable Waste Treatment

This innovative project aims to address the environmental impact of municipal landfills by pre-sorting and classifying solid waste, recycling plastic and then treating remaining organic matter with advanced composting technology. To drive circularity the final product of organic compost is then sold as high-quality bio-fertilizer – producing over 53,000 tonnes each year. The facility treats 432,000 tons of solid waste per year, daily that’s around 1,200 tons.

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Nakhon Biogas

Prior to this project, wastewater was treated through cascading open lagoons. This process resulted in the steady release of methane into the atmosphere. This project installed a closed lagoon anaerobic system that captures methane gas emissions, and uses them to generate clean energy. This not only avoids the emission of potent greenhouse gases, but displaces energy sourced from the burning of fossil fuels.

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Nakhon Biogas

Prior to this project, wastewater was treated through cascading open lagoons. This process resulted in the steady release of methane into the atmosphere. This project installed a closed lagoon anaerobic system that captures methane gas emissions, and uses them to generate clean energy. This not only avoids the emission of potent greenhouse gases, but displaces energy sourced from the burning of fossil fuels.

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Plastic Solutions

Plastic Smart Cities

Spanning across multiple cities, including Bogota, Barranquilla, Cundinamarca, and Cali, the Plastic Smart Cities project aims to tackle Colombia’s plastic problem through establishing a formal recycling network, expanding the range of plastic that can be recycled and improving waste management infrastructure in the country. Post-consumer plastic waste is collected by waste workers directly from households as well as through formal plastic waste collection services and at events run by the project's staff. Collected plastic is sent to the project’s own recycling centre where it is repurposed into new material. 

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Plastic Smart Cities

Spanning across multiple cities, including Bogota, Barranquilla, Cundinamarca, and Cali, the Plastic Smart Cities project aims to tackle Colombia’s plastic problem through establishing a formal recycling network, expanding the range of plastic that can be recycled and improving waste management infrastructure in the country. Post-consumer plastic waste is collected by waste workers directly from households as well as through formal plastic waste collection services and at events run by the project's staff. Collected plastic is sent to the project’s own recycling centre where it is repurposed into new material. 

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TakaTaka Recycling

The TakaTaka Recycling project, meaning ‘garbage’ project in Swahili, aims to transform Kenya’s plastic waste value chain for good. In addition to collecting directly from Nairobi households and businesses, the project engages local waste pickers to remove valuable plastics from improperly managed dumpsites across Kenya while providing fair compensation and benefits, including health checkups, PPE, and childcare. Once collected, the waste is taken to a central recycling facility where it is sorted, washed, and recycled into flakes and pellets sold to local plastic manufacturers. With this process, TakaTaka Solutions, the project partner, ensures a second life for 95% of waste.

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TakaTaka Recycling

The TakaTaka Recycling project, meaning ‘garbage’ project in Swahili, aims to transform Kenya’s plastic waste value chain for good. In addition to collecting directly from Nairobi households and businesses, the project engages local waste pickers to remove valuable plastics from improperly managed dumpsites across Kenya while providing fair compensation and benefits, including health checkups, PPE, and childcare. Once collected, the waste is taken to a central recycling facility where it is sorted, washed, and recycled into flakes and pellets sold to local plastic manufacturers. With this process, TakaTaka Solutions, the project partner, ensures a second life for 95% of waste.

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120 USDT

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21600 USDT

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180 Days

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140400 USDT

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700 USDT

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378000 USDT

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540 Days

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